Keller Williams Exton - Kaylia Blocker
Licenca #:RS364936 -PA / REALTOR®uKaylia Blocker at Keller Williams Real Estate Exton
Svaka kancelarija Keller Williams® je u nezavisnom vlasništvu i upravljanju
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JEZICI English
MARKET CENTAR Keller Williams Exton

O meni

Kaylia was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, attended primary and high school in New Jersey, and graduated college in West Chester, Pennsylvania.  If you are looking for an agent with a profound knowledge of the area, look no further.
Her goal is to help steer her clients in the right direction throughout the real estate process. She is very attentive and will make herself available to them during every step of the way.   
Kaylia’s love for real estate began at a very early age.  Her father dabbled in real estate, and taught her the value of home ownership, as well as the importance of transparency and honesty in maintaining professional relationships.  Today, she is a licensed realtor via an untraditional route.  Upon graduating from West Chester University with a degree in Biology, she began working as a Pharmaceutical Scientist, and working toward a master’s degree in Biomedicine and Business bringing a wealth of knowledge.
If you want an agent who is familiar with the neighborhoods and communities in the area, who understands the real estate market and how to navigate it successfully, Kaylia is someone who gets things done.  Whether you are buying or selling, Kaylia is the agent you are looking for.

My Preferred Vendors
A curated selection of vendors that I trust and recommend for various services. Discover reliable businesses that offer exceptional quality and a commitment to excellence.
My Preferred Vendors
I've worked with exceptional businesses and service providers. If you need information or recommendations for lenders, contractors, remodelers, and more, please don't hesitate to reach out.
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Kaylia Blocker
Licenca #: RS364936
Kaylia Blocker at Keller Williams Real Estate Exton

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Keller Williams Exton
131 Woodcutter Street, Suite 100 Exton, PA 19341

Kaylia Blocker
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